Wednesday, June 25, 2008


As most of you know our basement flooded twice when we had the rainstorms a couple of weeks ago. We lost a lot of stuff when this happened, but nothing of any real value. As it turned out we have really good house insurance so we received a pretty good settlement. Our house needs so many repairs. We had already planned on having the Central Air conditioner replaced. So we started trying to save money. It was a struggle, but we have paid cash for it. Unfortunatly, we have been in need of a roof repair for quite sometime. We deceided to have this done with the settlement from the flood. Kevin called Larry and discussed him come out from Pennsylvania to do the whole roof with a buddy. Of, course we took him up on his offer. Sometime soon I will get to have the Hurst family for a whole week! Lesley, Kevin and Michayala. Erica and Aaron and the Granddogs are coming for one of the weekends while they are here. Yipee!!!!
We want to go see SallyRose and the kids, but its hard to plan with all that has happened and all that is going on. She is helping with her dad too right now and she needs to spend as much time with him that she can due to his illness.

I've been trying to have a garage sale, too! I had it all set up on the day we got the flood water. It's still set up in my garage. I'm going to try to have it this weekend. Of course I've added a lot more stuff to it, since we had to clean out the basement.

Just thought I would do an update.

1 comment:

Lesley Hurst said...

Thanks for the update mom! I am glad that you decided to post again. :) SOOOO looking forward to seeing you for a whole week! This will be the longest I have been out there since I moved out. Crazy! Love you!