Read the bible daily.
Don't leave empty Sweet N' Low packets laying around.
Recycle more trash items: Cans, Plastics, Aluminum etc. I already recycle newspaper.
Eat Healthy and Exercise more.
Keep my bedroom cleaned up. Its always the room to put off cleaning because Larry and I are normally the only ones who see it.
Finish projects. I am almost done scrap booking our California Trip to Becky's in 2007 and then I want to finish Erica's wedding album I started 4 years ago. :)
Fill out our will. I have it on line to do, but I just haven't done it.
Start shopping for Christmas gifts and Birthday gifts and wrap them when they are bought in January to eliminate stress when the day is here. This year I did pretty good at buying Christmas gifts early, but I didn't wrap them as I bought them, so I was pressed right before Christmas to get them wrapped.
Fill out a new budget for my Dave Ramsey envelope's. I love this system! I have too much gas money allocated because of when gas was $4.00 a gallon and I never changed it. I have been spending the extra money from this envelope on Scrapbooking items (Do I really want to change it.) I think I will add a scrapbbooking envelope.
Most of all, as a Grandma, I want to be a good example to my Grandchildren. Even though they are not close by (as I get teary eyed) they will know that I believe in God and I attend church with fellow believers. That I pray before meals and pray consistently through out the day. I want them to know to "Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you". With the Grandchildren in mind I want to share a poem with you that my mother wrote many years ago when I was a child:
A Mother's New Year Resolutions
As every New Year comes around
I write my resolutions down,
But this year I can plainly see
That these, my promises shall be.
I resolve upon this day
To teach my children how to pray
And sit close by until I've heard
Each child's falt'ring, lisping word.
I resolve also to try
To answer each child's question, "Why?"
Choosing words best understood
Explaining reasons as I should.
And oh, so patient I must be
As each day brings new trials to me,
So I resolve, my fears suppress
Lest they, my dear ones should depress.
And as I discipline each child
I'll keep my voice both soft and mild
But too, demand the due respect
Lest God's commandment they forget.
Now for myself, and for their sake
I, this last resolution make
My life shall cut a pattern clear
That they may follow this New Year.
Copyright, unknown - Barbara J. Moberly
Now that I have all of these thoughts written down, what are your New Year Resolutions? I think all around, I jwant to be a better person. With more compassion and more patience for others. Have a Happy New Year!